Proposal Guidelines | LSU Department of Communication Studies

HBB Proposal Guidelines

All HBB performances, guest artists, events, and other productions must be proposed and reviewed by the current HBB Advisory Board. An equal consideration of the following factors guides the review of the proposals.

  • The clarity and specificity of the applicants description of the proposed show
  • The applicants academic standing
  • The academic year of the applicant
  • The directing/performance experience of the applicant
  • The applicants past involvement in performance studies courses or the HopKins Black Box season
  • If the proposed show meets a Performance Studies focus (i.e., the only type of show we urge applicants not to submit is a realistic play that the applicant plans to stage as written)
  • The fit of the proposed show in the emerging season (i.e., we aim for variety in content, and balance as regards the scale and scheduling of the shows)


Proposal to Direct