Proposal to Direct | LSU Department of Communication Studies

HBB Proposal to Direct

Before you submit your proposal, please read the HBB Directors Contract to gain a full understanding of your responsibilities should your proposal be accepted. The handbook is available from the Producing Director or HBB Manager. To submit, either email your proposal and signed contract to Hal Lambert.


In your proposal, please address the following points:

  • Contact Information
    • Your name, address, work and home phone numbers, and email address
  • Description of the Show or Project
    • Title of the show or project
    • Concise synopsis of the show and guiding concepts that inform it
      Note: works-in-progress, workshops, interactive events, installations are fully acceptable
    • As relevant, concise synopsis of the text(s) or other source materials you will draw on
    • Estimation of technical requirements, including set, lights, sound, slides, video, other media
    • Estimated cast size
    • As pertinent, indication of your process to secure permission to use copyrighted material(s) i.e., typically, texts published in the last 75 years
    • A brief (50 word or less) ad copy we can use to announce your show in the annual calendar mailed out in the fall
  • Academic Status
    • Indicate your major area of study/affiliated department
    • Indicate your academic year e.g., faculty, PhD or MA graduate student, or undergraduate and year, e.g., senior
    • Indicate if you will seek credit for the project i.e., practicum(s) or Independent Study
    • Indicate if you currently have any academic incompletes or are on academic probation (Your response will be kept confidential.)
  • Past Experience
    Please include a select listing of any directing or performing experience you have had at LSU or elsewhere. Include the title, location, and date of:
    • Shows you have directed
    • Shows in which you have been a cast member
    • Performance courses you have taken
    • Any other performance-related experience
    • Technical experience; and an indication of tech for which you anticipate needed training
  • Schedule Preferences
    • Indicate a FALL or SPRING semester preference
    • Indicate a first, second, and third preference re: EARLY in the semester, MIDDLE of the semester, or LATE in the semester
    • Indicate any SPECIFIC dates you would like to request and why
    • Indicate if you would like your show to run longer or shorter than our average 5 day run
  • Fill out and turn in a directors contract with your proposal


NOTE: A faculty advisor will be assigned to all undergraduate and graduate student directors. The advisors role is to provide a helping hand as needed. For example, the advisor might review your schedule, clarify administrative matters, double-check ad copy, steer you to necessary resources, offer suggestions regarding adaptation and staging choices.